WORD! *je te donne ma parole / Laura Kirshenbaum

The solo “WORD! *je te donne ma parole” is an investigation into the physical gesture, a constant delving into the tension inherent in pinpointing the range between the personal and the collective, the historical and the contemporary.

The solo was presented in February 2018 during the Exerce program in Montpellier. This June, the solo will debut in Israel during the Nifgashot Dance Festival in the Kelim Choreography Center.

Laura Kirshenbaum is a dancer and artist still making her professional mark. She is currently completing her master’s degree in choreography in ICI-CCN, Montpellier, France.

I give my word / I swear Je te donne ma parole *

Master exerce — Laura Kirshenbaum (Exercice commun 2018) from ICI—CCN Montpellier on Vimeo.
